Vegan Sweet Potato Nachos

My married friends were having a potluck birthday party (their birthday was a day apart, how cute), so I decided to take the opportunity to make something creative. I thought nachos were the perfect party food, and decided to make my own healthy vegan twist to it.

To be honest, I first attempted at making cayenne zucchini chips. Thank god I tested these out a day before because they failed. They were yummy on top of a salad, but way too soft and too tiny for nachos. So I thought, why not try sweet potatoes? They’re sturdier and can make for big chips. It’s up to you how to want to cut your sweet potatoes, but I decided to cut them so they’re like a mix between fries and chips. Think of long chips, which means more surface area for piling nacho fillings on top. But keep in mind that the thinner they’re sliced, the less time they need to be in the oven.

Now it’s completely up to you if you want to add cheese (and make it non-vegan). I wanted to make it vegan, so I came up with a creamy avocado sauce that turned out better than I thought. The one downside is that it doesn’t melt in the oven since it’s made with cashews, so it’s better to add it to the end and enjoy the creaminess rather than the melty-ness.

These nachos are pretty big, so be ready to either pig out, or share. Either way, they’re packed with healthy goodness.  Sweet potatoes are full of vitamins, potassium, and fiber. Bell peppers have more than 200% of your daily intake of vitamin C. You can get your daily greens from arugula, healthy fats from the avocados, and pinto beans are a great source of plant-based protein.



  • 3-4 bell peppers (Use different colors to make it pretty!)
  • 4 sweet potatoes
  • 1/4 purple onion
  • 1 cup cashews (Soaked in water for 2-4 hours)
  • 2 limes
  • 1 lemon
  • salt & pepper
  • onion powder
  • garlic powder
  • cayenne pepper
  • 2 1/2 cups pinto beans
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 cup arugula
  • 1 avocado
  • fresh cilantro
  • Option of cheese or salsa


  1. Set the oven at 425° F.
  2. Slice the sweet potatoes length-wise so that they’re like long chips.
  3. Throw sliced potatoes in a bowl and squeeze a half a lemon and 3 shakes of cayenne pepper. Toss the potatoes to evenly distribute the flavors.
  4. Set potatoes on a baking sheet and bake for about 10-15 minutes on each side. The thinner the slices are, the faster they’ll bake so this time is tentative.
  5. Cut the bell peppers into strips length-wise and thinly slice onions.
  6. Throw the bell peppers and onions in a bowl and squeeze the other half of the lemon, with a dash of salt and pepper. Toss the veggies to mix the flavors.
  7. Place the bell peppers and onions on a baking sheet and bake for about 8 to 10 minutes.
  8. Add the baked bell peppers and onions to the potatoes, then add pinto beans and tomatoes (diced) on top. Place tray back in oven for 5 minutes.
  9. Take tray out of oven and place arugula on top.

Avocado Cream Sauce:

  1. Blend soaked cashews until smooth.
  2. Squeeze juice of 2 limes into mixture. Add salt, pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder to taste. Blend.
  3. Dice up small handful of cilantro and throw into blender. Add avocado and blend.
  4. Distribute avocado cream sauce over nachos.

*Option to melt cheese over nachos or add more cilantro on top.

I suggest adding your favorite salsa to your nachos, or keep it on the side for people to choose. I was too lazy to make homemade salsa, but go for it if you feel up for the extra task.

About Shannon

I'm a writer, travel business owner of Lift Life Travel, yoga teacher and world traveler finding happiness in the education of travel. Come join me and my hammock as I explore this mysterious and extraordinary world we live in.


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